Saturday, August 29, 2015


Duncan, Julia and I gave Percy this orchid plant for Father's Day, September 2013.  Look at it now. Gran's owl, in front, has traveled the world with us, as has my planter.  
I dare not mention how old that planter is, around 40 years I think.  Hmm.....


Saturday, August 1, 2015

At the Bird Feeder.....

There is always someone visiting the bird feeder.
This is a Butcher Bird, so called because they feed mostly on small lizards, bugs etc.  When they catch a lizard, or as we watched one day, a mouse, the bird firmly holds the prey in its bill and whacks the lizard onto a tree branch until dead, then skewers it to a thorn or in the fork of a tree to cure....nice.    In its favour, Butcher Birds have the most melodic song.  

The rain is pouring down and tucked up under the eaves 
are a pair of Rainbow Lorikeets.   I call them the bully boys of the backyard.  Nothing
is too big or too loud for them to challenge.  

Thinking Back.... With Love

Finishing and loving crochet and working with yarn took me back to the wonderful throw 
the gals from the Cottage Lake Book Club...aka wonderful, inspiring, loving women, made for Barbara and I, w-a-y back in 2009.
Yes I still have it. No it is not in a box in the garage.  It's in my hall closet and I've
been tempted to bring it out on our cold nights, but I don't want Martha the cat
making a home on it.  

I love seeing your Facebook posts, keep them coming.


Sydney Weather - April 2015

 This pretty much sums up the weather Sydney had been
experiencing during May this year. 
 5 umbrellas gave their lives to protect us from the elements. 

Can you believe how lucky this bird bath was, inches from destruction.
Well I was please, I have to say, I rather like my bird bath.

The clothes line didn't fare as well though.  It is August 2nd now and we still 
don't have a replacement.  Ah living in rented accommodation....

Well thankfully, Percy borrowed a chainsaw and cut the tree up to get it off the fence.
Quietly one afternoon, I spied our neighbour carrying away what we cut up.  So that
sorted the issue of - what do we do with this wood?


What do you do when the weather is to lousy to leave the house...
crochet a throw - of course.

It was a challenge to myself.  Many, many years, too many years really, Doris Vince taught me to crochet and I thought then I was too young, too cool, too whatever to spend time crocheting.
Well the time has come to strike up this lovely, calming, comforting craft.
This is my attempt at a corner to corner afghan/throw. 
Give it a try!   
You will be amazed how much fun and how quickly the throw takes shape.
youtube....too easy.